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How Can a Baby’s Birth Injuries Impact Parental Emotions?
Expectant parents often daydream about what their child will be like. From imagining playing with your baby to picturing them as they grow, you probably have high expectations for things you can barely wait to see unfold. When your newborn has a birth injury, your excitement can come to a screeching halt as you realize how significantly your life may have changed.
Along with obvious concern for your child, you may be dealing with overwhelming emotional trauma. Mothers are more likely to experience postpartum depression, but fathers can be devastated as well. If your baby’s birth injury is the result of medical negligence, you may be entitled to various forms of compensation. However, you have a much better chance of collecting the maximum amount if you choose a skilled Chicago, IL birth injury attorney to handle your medical malpractice claim.
What Emotional and Psychological Effects Can Birth Injuries Have on Parents?
Realizing your newborn has a birth injury can create a traumatic birth experience, but the distress does not stop there. It can infiltrate every aspect of your life, affecting your relationship with the other parent, other children, and even your newborn. You may experience a wide array of psychological and emotional effects, such as:
Feelings of guilt, whether you think you should have prevented the injury or because you are upset about the additional requirements of caring for your child
Resentment and outrage at the medical professionals who caused your child’s birth injury
Anxiety and fear due to your child’s uncertain future health or the expenses your baby may incur
Severe depression and PTSD
Feeling disconnected and detached from your child
You may feel that your entire focus is on your new baby, and that you are neglecting your other children. You may become withdrawn from your family and friends, which can increase the negative feelings.
Many factors can influence the kinds and severity of the emotional effects a birth injury can cause. Your baby’s specific injury, including whether it is a mild or severe one, can impact your emotional response. Cerebral palsy, shoulder dystocia, and spina bifida are common, but many other kinds of birth injuries also occur.
If your newborn’s condition will require long-term, around-the-clock care, you are probably wondering how you will be able to take care of your other needs. The costs of that care can be extremely high, adding yet another worry.
Can a Birth Injury Claim Compensate Me for These Emotional Impacts?
If your case qualifies, you may be eligible for both economic and non-economic damages. The first category reimburses you for current and future expenses tied to the birth injury. Non-economic damages are an attempt to compensate you for all the intangible losses you are suffering, which could include the psychological and emotional anguish you are facing. Sadly, the medical malpractice insurance company will probably try to pay you only a minimal amount unless you have a knowledgeable attorney as your advocate.
We know how to find supporting evidence for your medical malpractice claim and how to evaluate your damages. We will negotiate with the insurer, but we may need to litigate your case to achieve an optimal result. You can trust us to do everything in our power to see you get as much compensation as you deserve.
Call Our Experienced Cook County, IL Birth Injury Lawyers Today
Money is not a cure-all, and it cannot undo the harm to you or your child. However, you deserve justice, and seeing the responsible party held accountable may alleviate some of your emotional distress. Call Birth Injury Law Alliance, Ltd. now at 312-462-4200 to arrange a free case review with one of our dedicated Chicago, IL maternal injury attorneys. You can also send us a confidential message online.