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How Can Epidural Errors Harm Mothers and Babies?
Natural childbirth is notoriously quite painful. Many expectant mothers prefer to skip the pain by receiving anesthesia through an epidural. Many C-section deliveries also use epidurals. Used in the obstetrics field since as early as 1931, around 75 percent of U.S. women use epidural anesthesia during childbirth. When administered properly, mothers should not have lasting side effects. However, epidural errors can harm both mother and baby.
If your family was harmed by avoidable epidural errors, you could be entitled to compensation. Working with a skilled Cook County, IL maternal injuries lawyer can increase your likelihood of receiving as much as you deserve.
What Are Common Epidural Errors?
Anesthesiologists or certified registered nurse anesthetists are usually responsible for administering and monitoring epidurals. Various mistakes can be made with medication, placement, and monitoring, including:
Giving the incorrect medication, particularly if the mother has a known allergy
Administering an incorrect dosage
Inserting the epidural catheter in the wrong place or too deeply
Administering the epidural too early
Puncturing the dura
Equipment malfunctions, including a blocked catheter
Failing to review the mother’s medical history
Poor communication
Failing to monitor the mother and fetus
Inadequate training
Epidural errors can cause several complications. When medical negligence is the cause of these errors, you may have grounds to file a medical malpractice claim.
What Harm Can Epidural Errors Cause During Childbirth?
Depending on the type of error, mothers can experience infections, severe headaches, permanent nerve damage, paralysis, dangerously low blood pressure, and fevers. Maternal fevers during labor can cause inflammation and compromise the fetus. In some cases, seizures and cardiac arrest can result from epidural mistakes.
Some of the conditions mothers experience can also endanger the fetus. In rare cases, epidural errors are fatal.
When the epidural is given too early in the labor process, prolonged labor often results. This can add complications for both mother and child.
Babies in utero can suffer respiratory distress, heart problems, and brain damage. Some of these newborns need resuscitation after birth and admission into a neonatal intensive care unit.
How Can a Lawyer Help After Epidural Errors?
For your compensation claim to be successful, you need to prove that medical negligence caused the harm you or your child suffered. Your attorney can investigate to find the right kinds of supporting evidence.
The epidural mistake likely led to additional and unexpected medical bills. Permanent conditions it caused to the mother or baby may require life-long treatments, further adding to your expenses. The emotional and mental toll of these avoidable injuries can be devastating. Insurance companies routinely make lowball settlement offers, not giving you enough to cover your eligible damages. Your lawyer will fight to see you fully compensated for your losses.
Discuss Your Case With a Knowledgeable Chicago, IL Maternal Injuries Lawyer
When medical errors harm you or your child, a trusted Cook County, IL birth injury attorney from Birth Injury Law Alliance, Ltd. can help you hold the at-fault party accountable. Discuss your case during a free evaluation by calling us at 312-462-4200 or contacting us online today.