How to Prove Forceps Led to an Injury During Birth | IL

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How to Prove Forceps Led to an Injury During Birth

 Posted on June 20, 2024 in Birth Injury

Chicago birth injury lawyerForceps are medical instruments used to assist in the delivery of a baby during childbirth. While they can be helpful in certain situations, improper use of forceps can lead to serious injuries to both the mother and the baby. If you suspect that forceps caused an injury during your child’s birth, it is important to understand how to prove this and seek appropriate legal action. An Illinois lawyer can help you get through this difficult case.

Common Injuries Caused By Forceps

Forceps can cause a range of injuries when used improperly during delivery. It is important to be aware of the different types of injuries in case your child has more than one that you did not realize was connected.

Facial Nerve Damage

Forceps can put pressure on the baby’s facial nerves, leading to paralysis or weakness in the face. This type of injury may be apparent immediately after birth, with the baby showing signs of facial drooping or asymmetry. In some cases, the damage may be temporary, but in others, it can be permanent.

Skull Fractures

Improper placement or excessive force can cause fractures in the baby’s skull. These fractures can range from minor cracks to more severe breaks that require surgical intervention. Skull fractures can lead to brain damage, developmental delays, and other long-term complications.

Brain Damage

Forceps can cause bleeding or swelling in the brain, which can lead to long-term cognitive and developmental issues. This type of injury may not be immediately apparent and may only become evident as the child grows and misses important developmental milestones.

Brachial Plexus Injuries

If forceps are used with too much force, damage to the nerves that control arm movement can occur. This can result in weakness, paralysis, or loss of sensation in the affected arm. Brachial plexus injuries can be temporary or permanent, depending on the severity of the damage.

Cervical or Spinal Cord Injuries

In severe cases, forceps can cause damage to the baby’s neck or spinal cord. This type of injury can lead to paralysis, loss of sensation, or even death. Cervical and spinal cord injuries are among the most serious types of birth injuries and often require extensive medical treatment and lifelong care.

Proving Forceps Led to an Injury

To prove that negligent use of forceps caused an injury during birth, you will need to gather evidence and consult with medical and legal professionals. Here are some steps you can take:

  • Obtain medical records: Request copies of all medical records related to your pregnancy, delivery, and postpartum care. These records should include details about the use of forceps during delivery.
  • Consult with medical experts: Seek opinions from medical professionals who can review your records and determine if the use of forceps was appropriate and if they likely caused the injury.
  • Document the injury: Keep detailed records of your child’s symptoms, medical appointments, and any treatments or therapies required as a result of the injury.

Why Seeking Legal Help Can Benefit Your Case

If you believe that your child suffered an injury due to the improper use of forceps during delivery, you should seek legal help as soon as possible. An attorney can review your case, gather evidence, and help you pursue compensation for your child’s injuries.

In Illinois, birth injury cases are subject to a statute of limitations, which means that you have a limited time to file a claim. Do not delay seeking legal assistance, as this could jeopardize your ability to recover damages.

Work With a Chicago, IL Birth Injury Lawyer

With the right support and guidance from a Cook County, IL birth injury attorney, you can potentially hold negligent healthcare providers accountable. Call Birth Injury Law Alliance, Ltd. at 312-462-4200 for a free consultation to see if we can help you.

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