The Husband Stitch and the Need for Consent | IL

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The Husband Stitch and the Need for Consent

 Posted on August 15, 2024 in Maternal Injuries

IL injury lawyerPeople tend to trust their doctors to give them the best medical care they can and avoid unnecessary procedures. We expect to be asked for our consent before something potentially painful and harmful is done, especially if there is no clear medical necessity for it. The husband stitch is an example of a medical procedure that is not meant to improve the patient’s health and is often performed without the patient’s consent. While it is mostly unreported and undocumented, the practice of adding a husband stitch would fall under the category of medical malpractice if it can be proven. If you suspect a husband stitch was added while you were in the delivery room, speak with a qualified Chicago, IL birth injury attorney to find out what you can do about it.

Is the Husband Stitch Real?

While it is difficult to prove, the husband stitch appears to be a real practice. It refers to an unnecessary stitch being added when a vaginal tear or episiotomy is stitched up after childbirth. The reported reasoning behind it is to make the vaginal area tighter for the pleasure of the mother’s male partner, although there is no medical reason for it.

Current awareness of this practice is based on two main sources:

  • Anecdotal evidence: Many reports of the husband stitch come from personal accounts and anecdotal evidence. Women who have experienced the practice have shared their stories online and in interviews, describing their discomfort and surprise upon discovering the extra stitches. However, since the women self-reporting it are generally not medical professionals, their claims are not always believed, with many assuming that if a doctor added the stitch, there was a medical reason for it.
  • Medical discussions: The practice is often discussed in medical ethics and women’s health forums and has even been written about in medical journals. It has also come up in post-partum examinations, when a doctor or other medical professional notices stitching that seems to be done improperly or when a patient reports extreme, unusual pain. While it has not been formally documented in medical research, it is recognized as a harmful practice by many healthcare professionals and advocates for women's rights.

Since it involves a procedure being performed without the patient's full informed consent and for non-medical reasons, and it can lead to pain, discomfort, and emotional distress for the mother, the husband stitch raises serious ethical issues.

What Can You Do?

While it is difficult to estimate how common the husband stitch is currently, the medical community seems to have a clear consensus against it. Awareness of the need for patient consent has also increased, making a practice like the husband stitch less likely.

There are currently no laws specifically addressing the husband stitch, although it could fall under the more general area of medical malpractice. If you can prove that the stitch was performed, you did not provide consent, and it caused you harm, there is a reasonable chance that you have a strong case.

Schedule a Free Consultation with a Cook County, IL Birth Injury Lawyer

If you or someone you know believes you were given a husband stitch in childbirth, speak with a seasoned Chicago, IL birth injury attorney to find out what to do next. The physical and emotional sense of violation that comes with being the subject of a medically unnecessary procedure without your consent is not something you need to accept. Call Birth Injury Law Alliance, Ltd. at 312-462-4200 to schedule a free consultation so we can get started on your case.

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