When C-Sections Become Necessary: Understanding the Risks | IL

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When C-Sections Become Necessary: Understanding the Risks Involved 

 Posted on January 05, 2023 in Birth Injury

Chicago birth injury attorneyChildbirth is usually a beautiful, natural process that should be celebrated. But sometimes, complications arise during labor and delivery, and an emergency cesarean section (C-section) becomes necessary to ensure the safety of both mother and baby. With this in mind, we will look at and discuss some of the most common scenarios in which ordering a C-section becomes a medical necessity, as well as the dangers involved with waiting too long to order one.

When Is a C-Section Necessary?

A C-section can become medically necessary in certain situations where labor or delivery may pose a risk to either mother or baby. For example, if a baby’s umbilical cord is wrapped around its neck or body or if the baby is showing signs of distress such as decreased heart rate, an emergency C-section might be indicated. Other situations in which ordering a C-section could be medically necessary include placenta previa (where the placenta covers all or part of the cervix) and placental abruption (where the placenta separates from the uterus before delivery). Moreover, if labor has not progressed after several hours or if there are other signs of fetal distress, then a C-section may be needed for safe delivery.

It is the responsibility of the attending obstetrician to ensure that the childbirth process is being carefully monitored so that an emergency C-section can be ordered if needed. Failure to do so could leave the medical staff liable for any injuries sustained by the mother or baby as a result.

The Dangers of Delaying a Cesarean Section

Delaying a C-section when one is medically necessary can have serious consequences for both the mother and the baby. If fetal heart rate monitoring reveals that a baby is in distress and yet no action is taken to address it, then this could lead to oxygen deprivation—or even death—for the infant. In addition, waiting too long to order an emergency cesarean section can result in increased risk of uterine rupture for mothers who have had prior cesareans, which can potentially lead to infection, hemorrhage, organ damage, shock, or death. Therefore, it is incredibly important that healthcare providers pay close attention to any signs of fetal distress throughout labor and delivery so that they can act quickly should an emergency situation arise.

Let an Illinois Birth Injury Lawyer Help

Childbirth can be unpredictable at times. Therefore, it is crucial for expecting parents—as well as their healthcare providers—to remain vigilant throughout labor and delivery in case any medical emergencies occur that might require an emergency cesarean section for safe delivery.

If you or your child suffered any type of injuries as a result of your doctor waiting too long to order a medically necessary C-section, contact the experienced Chicago birth injury attorneys at Birth Injury Law Alliance, Ltd.. Call 312-462-4200 to discuss your case in a free consultation with a member of our team today.




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