What Are the Most Common Causes of Post-Partum Hemorrhaging?

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What Are the Most Common Causes of Post-Partum Hemorrhaging?

 Posted on April 27, 2023 in Maternal Injuries

Cook County Maternal Birth Injury LawyersThe birth of a child is a beautiful and joyous occasion, but it is also one of the most physically demanding experiences that a woman can go through. After childbirth, it is common for women to experience some level of bleeding. However, when bleeding is excessive, this is known as post-partum hemorrhaging, and it can be a serious and potentially life-threatening issue. In fact, it is one of the leading causes of maternal mortality in the world. It is important for new parents to understand the potential causes of post-partum hemorrhage to ensure that this issue will be addressed correctly.

Reasons Why Post-Partum Hemorrhaging May Occur

During pregnancy, a woman's body produces excess blood, and some of this blood will be lost during the child's delivery. However, blood flow may not stop naturally, and excessive bleeding could result in the loss of too much blood. Some common reasons for significant blood loss following childbirth include:

  • Uterine atony - This condition involves the uterus becoming softened and weakened, causing it to fail to fully contract after birth. If the uterus does not contract correctly, the blood vessels that connected the placenta to the uterus may continue to bleed, leading to excessive blood loss. Uterine atony can be caused by various factors, including a stretched or distended uterus due to a large baby, multiple pregnancies, prolonged labor, excessive amniotic fluid, or the use of certain medications.

  • Uterine rupture - The uterus may tear during labor and delivery, and if it is not addressed correctly, blood flow may continue, leading to severe blood loss. In some cases, surgery may be needed to repair the tear, or a hysterectomy may need to be performed.

  • Uterine inversion - This is a rare but severe condition in which the uterus turns inside out after childbirth. This can cause the blood vessels that are usually inside the uterus to become exposed, leading to severe bleeding. Surgery may be required to correct this condition.

  • Retained placenta - When the placenta fails to fully detach from the uterine wall after childbirth, the retained placental tissue can cause excessive bleeding as the uterus tries to expel it. Retained placental tissue is more likely to occur in complicated deliveries, such as those involving preterm births, multiple pregnancies, and cesarean sections.

  • Placenta previa - This condition occurs when the placenta partially or completely covers the cervix during pregnancy. To avoid issues that may lead to excessive bleeding following childbirth, a cesarean section may need to be performed rather than a vaginal delivery.

  • Trauma - During childbirth, it is not uncommon for women to experience tears or lacerations in the birth canal. In some cases, these tears can lead to excessive bleeding. This is particularly true in cases involving prolonged labor or challenging deliveries. Lacerations must be treated or repaired promptly to stop the bleeding.

  • Blood clotting disorders - Certain conditions may affect a mother's ability to form blood clots, which could lead to excessive bleeding, even if minor trauma has occurred.

Contact Our Cook County Maternal Birth Injury Lawyers

Post-partum hemorrhaging can be a life-threatening condition. Doctors should take steps to recognize when excessive bleeding is occurring following delivery and provide the necessary treatments to stop blood flow. If they fail to do so, a mother may suffer serious harm or wrongful death. In cases where post-partum hemorrhaging was not treated correctly, patients and family members may need to determine how to address this issue and ensure that a mother will be able to recover correctly. If a preventable death occurred, a family may need to take steps to hold a doctor or medical facility responsible for their failure to provide the proper care. 

At Birth Injury Law Alliance, Ltd., we can provide guidance for families in these situations, helping them determine how they can move forward following a birth injury. To set up a free consultation and learn more about how we can help, contact our Illinois birth injury attorneys at 312-462-4200.





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