Undiagnosed Preeclampsia in Illinois | IL

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Undiagnosed Preeclampsia in Illinois

 Posted on May 03, 2024 in Maternal Injuries

IL injury lawyerAt times, pregnancy can feel like an incredible miracle. At other times, it might seem more like an endless risk. On the one hand, your body is creating life, and you get to witness the various stages of development. On the other hand, there are so many birth injuries, risks, and conditions that can be associated with a pregnancy that it can be overwhelming. While about 700 women die in the United States every year due to pregnancy and childbirth complications, it is estimated that about half of these could be prevented with proper medical treatment. One dangerous condition that can appear late in preeclampsia and requires swift medical attention is called preeclampsia.

When detected, diagnosed, monitored, and treated, a woman with preeclampsia can recover. If the condition is ignored, the implications can be severe, with significant birth injuries. If your doctor failed to diagnose preeclampsia and you or your baby are suffering the consequences, a Cook County, IL birth injury attorney can advise you on your options for a medical malpractice lawsuit.

What is Preeclampsia?

According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), preeclampsia encompasses over 50,000 maternal deaths and over 500,000 fetal deaths worldwide. It can be detected when a woman’s body is swollen, and there are abnormally high levels of protein in her urine. It generally appears anywhere from the 20th week of pregnancy and, in rare cases, can even appear a few weeks after birth. The main result of preeclampsia is high maternal blood pressure.

What Happens to the Baby When the Mother Has Undiagnosed Preeclampsia?

If preeclampsia goes undiagnosed and the pregnancy proceeds without any medical intervention, there are several conditions the baby might be born with, including:

  • Learning disabilities
  • Impaired sight
  • Impaired hearing
  • Epilepsy
  • Cerebral palsy

What Happens to a Mother with Undiagnosed Preeclampsia?

Several conditions can appear if a woman’s preeclampsia is undiagnosed,  including:

  • Stroke
  • Seizure
  • Hemorrhaging
  • Organ damage, particularly in the liver
  • Diminished blood clotting function
  • Heart failure

Women with a history of high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, and preeclampsia are associated with a higher risk of preeclampsia. The medical professionals treating her throughout the pregnancy should monitor her for any signs and take swift action if the mother or baby seems at risk or in distress.

Schedule a Free Consultation with a Chicago, IL Birth Injury Attorney

If you had undiagnosed preeclampsia during your pregnancy, and especially if you or your baby suffered as a result, you might have been the victim of medical malpractice. A passionate Cook County, IL birth injuries lawyer can take proper steps so that a doctor who failed to detect, diagnose, and treat harmful conditions can be held responsible. Call Birth Injury Law Alliance, Ltd. at 312-462-4200 to schedule a free consultation.

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