What Is Obstetric Gaslighting in Birth Injury Cases? | IL

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What Is Obstetric Gaslighting in Birth Injury Cases?

 Posted on March 21, 2025 in Birth Injury

Chicago, IL birth injury lawyerThe term "gaslighting" is usually associated with personal and romantic relationships. It describes a type of psychological manipulation aimed toward making the victim question their reality, perceptions, and sanity. Although medical gaslighting is a newly coined term, it describes a similar dismissiveness by doctors that has existed for a long time. Although a patient shares concerns with the physician, those concerns are dismissed as invalid and unworthy of exploring.

Sadly, women’s concerns are often downplayed. Obstetric gaslighting can cause both birth and maternal injuries. If your healthcare team dismissed your concerns and that dismissal resulted in harm, a skilled Chicago, IL birth injury lawyer can help you substantiate your claim and maximize your compensation.

Are Medical Professionals Biased Against Women?

Historically, women’s complaints about health issues are often brushed off. Alternative explanations, like hormone fluctuations and mental health conditions, are often assumed to be the cause. Men who report similar symptoms are usually taken more seriously.

Pregnant women and those who have recently given birth face hormonal imbalances as their bodies adjust. That truth leads some doctors to dismiss a patient’s reported symptoms, feelings, and discomfort as nothing more than a body’s misperceptions due to these processes.

Doctors may not recognize their bias. Intentional or not, ignoring a mother’s concerns can cause significant harm.

What Medical Errors Can Be Caused by Obstetric Gaslighting?

While some expectant mothers may be overly concerned about anything unusual, they know their own bodies better than anyone else. If obstetric patients report symptoms to their provider, those concerns need to be addressed. Medical negligence in these cases can take many forms, including:

  • Failing to order diagnostic tests

  • Ordering the wrong tests

  • Misdiagnosing a condition

  • Delayed diagnosis

  • Prescribing the wrong medication or failing to prescribe any medication

  • Insufficient monitoring

Doctors are expected to provide a high standard of care. Obstetricians have the responsibility of caring for both the mother and her unborn child(ren). When either is harmed due to gaslighting and medical negligence, you may be entitled to compensation.

How Can Obstetric Gaslighting Harm Babies and Their Mothers?

The harm caused depends on the mother’s or baby’s actual condition. Untreated maternal infections, for example, can cause brain injuries, neurological damage, and hearing or vision loss for the fetus. Undiagnosed preeclampsia threatens the life of both mother and child. Premature birth, stillbirth, miscarriage, and maternal death could also result.

In successful medical malpractice cases, you could receive damages for the financial losses you experience, as well as the ways the incident affects you mentally and emotionally. Any case involving medical errors is challenging. You need an experienced birth and maternal injury lawyer to help with your claim.

Contact a Knowledgeable Cook County, IL Obstetrics Gaslighting Attorney

If your obstetrics providers ignored your concerns and you or your baby were harmed, a determined Chicago, IL maternal injury lawyer from Birth Injury Law Alliance, Ltd. will take your claim seriously. To arrange for your free consultation, contact us online or call 312-462-4200 today.

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