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Can I Sue a Doctor If My Baby Is Stillborn?

 Posted on February 03,2023 in Wrongful Death

Chicago birth injury attorneysPregnancy is one of the most difficult things a human body can experience. In a very short period of time, a woman undergoes massive hormonal changes that can cause severe sickness, weight gain, and structural alterations to her body that do not necessarily go away once a child is born. However, most women are happy to go through these difficult changes because, at the end of the process, they get to hold their infant in their arms. 

Being robbed of this experience because inadequate medical care caused the loss of an infant during the pregnancy can change a parent’s life forever—especially if a stillbirth occurred late in pregnancy, shortly before the child was expected to be delivered. While this can happen from natural causes, medical malpractice can unfortunately cause an infant’s life to be lost while in the womb or during delivery. If you know or suspect that this happened to you, Birth Injury Law Alliance, Ltd. is here to help. We know we cannot bring back your child, but we can help you take action against the person responsible for your loss and potentially help future parents avoid such painful scenarios. 

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What Is Pitocin and How Does It Affect Childbirth?

 Posted on January 26,2023 in Birth Injury

Chicago, IL birth injury lawyerMost women have at least heard their friends or even their doctors mention “pitocin” as something that might be used as part of the childbirth process. Pitocin is most commonly used to induce or speed up labor in pregnant women. While it can be beneficial in certain situations, there are potential risks associated with its use. You should always speak with your doctor about medical concerns, but today, we will discuss what Pitocin is, how it is used, and what risks may be associated with its use during childbirth.

Understanding What Pitocin Is

Pitocin is a synthetically produced form of oxytocin, a hormone naturally produced by the body during labor and delivery. When produced naturally, oxytocin helps uterine muscles contract, which begins the process of pushing the baby out into the world. During childbirth, however, some women may not produce enough natural oxytocin to efficiently bring about labor. In situations such as these, doctors may recommend using Pitocin (or oxytocin) as an assistive measure.

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Diagnosing Cerebral Palsy: Connecting Developmental Disorder to a Birth Injury

 Posted on January 20,2023 in Cerebral Palsy

Chicago birth injury lawyerCerebral palsy (CP) is a developmental disorder that affects the nervous system and can lead to movement issues, and it is often caused by birth injuries. It is important to understand what could have happened during the birthing process that could lead to a diagnosis of cerebral palsy. In addition, it is important to know how CP is diagnosed, as well as to learn a little about the needs of children with cerebral palsy.

What Could Happen at Birth That Leads to The Development of Cerebral Palsy?

A birth injury can occur when the baby does not receive enough oxygen during delivery. This lack of oxygen can cause brain damage which can then result in cerebral palsy. Other causes of cerebral palsy include infection in the mother during pregnancy or labor, preterm delivery, and trauma during delivery—such as if forceps were used incorrectly or an overly large baby was delivered without a Cesarean section. Brain damage resulting from these events can cause permanent impairment of motor skills and function leading to cerebral palsy.

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What You Should Know About Parvovirus B19

 Posted on January 12,2023 in Birth Injury

Chicago birth injuries lawyerAlso known as “fifth disease” or “slapped cheek syndrome,” parvovirus B19 is a virus that mainly affects children but can sometimes affect adults as well. It is commonly spread through contact with saliva or other bodily fluids like mucus or blood. The virus usually causes mild symptoms such as fever, rash, and joint pain in infected individuals. However, if a woman contracts the virus during pregnancy it can lead to serious complications for both her and her unborn child. In today’s blog post, we will discuss some of the risks associated with parvovirus B19 for pregnant mothers.

Risks for Pregnant Mothers

If a pregnant woman contracts parvovirus B19, there are several potential risks she may face including miscarriage, preterm labor, stillbirth, low birth weight, and anemia. Babies born to mothers who have been infected with the virus may suffer from anemia or chronic arthritis due to their weakened immune systems caused by the virus. In some cases, parvovirus B19 can even cause congenital heart defects in newborns, which can be life-threatening if left untreated. In addition to these physical effects of the virus on mother and baby, there are also psychological implications such as anxiety or depression in expecting mothers due to the fear of harm coming to their unborn child.

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When C-Sections Become Necessary: Understanding the Risks Involved 

 Posted on January 05,2023 in Birth Injury

Chicago birth injury attorneyChildbirth is usually a beautiful, natural process that should be celebrated. But sometimes, complications arise during labor and delivery, and an emergency cesarean section (C-section) becomes necessary to ensure the safety of both mother and baby. With this in mind, we will look at and discuss some of the most common scenarios in which ordering a C-section becomes a medical necessity, as well as the dangers involved with waiting too long to order one.

When Is a C-Section Necessary?

A C-section can become medically necessary in certain situations where labor or delivery may pose a risk to either mother or baby. For example, if a baby’s umbilical cord is wrapped around its neck or body or if the baby is showing signs of distress such as decreased heart rate, an emergency C-section might be indicated. Other situations in which ordering a C-section could be medically necessary include placenta previa (where the placenta covers all or part of the cervix) and placental abruption (where the placenta separates from the uterus before delivery). Moreover, if labor has not progressed after several hours or if there are other signs of fetal distress, then a C-section may be needed for safe delivery.

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Medication Mistakes Can Lead to Irreversible Birth Injuries

 Posted on December 28,2022 in Birth Injury

Chicago birth injury attorneysAntibiotics, pain medication, blood pressure medication, labor-inducing medications, and other types of medications help reduce complications and pain during pregnancy and birth. However, when medication is used incorrectly, it can cause substantial harm to a pregnant woman or her baby.

Whether caused by a clerical error, miscommunication, dosage miscalculation, or carelessness, medication errors can have catastrophic effects. In some cases, babies are left with life-changing birth injuries or maternal injuries.

Errors in the Prescription and Administration of Medication During Pregnancy and Birth

Doctors must use extra caution when prescribing medications to pregnant women. Certain medications can be harmful to a developing baby. For example, certain acne medications can cause heart and brain deformities or even fetal death. If a doctor prescribes a medication that is known to be dangerous for pregnant women, the doctor may be liable for any birth injuries or other harm that results from the medication.

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Service Animals and Emotional Support Animals for Children With Cerebral Palsy

 Posted on December 23,2022 in Cerebral Palsy

Chicago birth injury attorneyGrowing up is hard enough. Growing up with a serious medical condition like cerebral palsy is even harder. The causes of cerebral palsy are varied and complex. However, some children suffer cerebral palsy because of complications during birth that cause brain damage. Some of these complications are unavoidable, while others are the result of a medical provider’s negligence.

Cerebral palsy manifests in many different ways, including uncontrollable movements, physical limitations, and learning difficulties. For many children with cerebral palsy, having a service animal or emotional support animal can be invaluable in helping them cope with the challenges that they face.

Service Animals for Children With Cerebral Palsy

Children with cerebral palsy often have difficulty with performing everyday tasks. Service animals are specially trained to help people with physical and cognitive impairments in their everyday lives. They can provide assistance such as retrieving objects, opening doors, retrieving objects, and providing emotional support. Some service animals are even trained to recognize and respond to medical events like seizures.

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My Wife Died During Delivery. What Are My Legal Options?

 Posted on December 14,2022 in Wrongful Death

Chicago maternal death attorneyChildbirth is substantially less dangerous than it was in the past. Unfortunately, however, maternal injury and death during childbirth does still occur in rare cases. If your wife passed away during the labor or delivery process, you are probably feeling grief-stricken, confused, and overwhelmed. You may not know what your legal options are in a situation like this.

Each situation is different. However, some maternal deaths are directly caused by medical negligence immediately before, during, or after birth. If your child’s mother died as a result of poor medical care, you may be able to seek justice on her behalf through a wrongful death claim.

Causes of Maternal Death During Birth

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that over 80 percent of pregnancy-related deaths are preventable. Medical mistakes and substandard medical care during pregnancy or birth that can cause fatal medical complications include:

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Potential Benefits of Orthotic Devices for Children With Cerebral Palsy

 Posted on December 09,2022 in Cerebral Palsy

Chicago birth injury lawyerEach child with cerebral palsy is unique. The condition manifests in countless ways and levels of severity. Some children experience minor impairment and can move their bodies without assistance. Others experience moderate symptoms such as irregular walking gait, twisted posture, involuntary movements, and speech difficulties. Children with severe cerebral palsy may be unable to control their limbs or walk at all. They may suffer from intellectual disabilities, vision and hearing loss, and seizures.

The treatment a child with cerebral palsy receives will depend on his or her unique symptoms and difficulties. However, orthotic devices can be beneficial in many situations, as they help to maintain or improve posture, control movement, reduce pain, and facilitate function. There are many different types of orthotic devices, including ankle foot orthosis, knee orthoses, hip abduction orthoses, thoraco-lumbo-sacral orthosis, and more.

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How Can Prolonged Labor Lead to Birth Injuries?

 Posted on November 23,2022 in Birth Injury

Chicago birth injury lawyerEvery mother hopes for a quick, problem-free birth. Unfortunately, sometimes the labor process can be wrought with complications and difficulties. Prolonged labor or "failure to progress" is any labor that lasts more than 20 hours for a first-time mother or 14 hours in subsequent births. Without medical intervention, prolonged labor puts both mother and baby at risk of birth injuries.

Why is Prolonged Labor So Dangerous?

Many different problems can cause prolonged labor. The baby may be too large to fit through the mother's birth canal or in the wrong position. Weak contractions and other issues can also lead to prolonged labor. Whatever the reason, prolonged labor can be very dangerous. Oxygen deprivation to the fetus is one of the biggest risks associated with prolonged labor. If the baby is stuck in the birth canal for too long, his or her oxygen levels will drop. If the oxygen is cut off long enough, the baby may suffer brain damage and permanent disability.

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