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New Blood Test May Help Identify Preeclampsia in Pregnant Women

 Posted on July 06,2023 in Birth Injury

Illinois Birth Injury Lawyers for PreeclampsiaThere are a variety of issues that may arise during pregnancy that could threaten the health of both the child and the mother. Preeclampsia is one serious pregnancy complication that can lead to devastating consequences, including seizures, organ damage, or even death in some cases. It is characterized by high blood pressure during pregnancy, and it may occur even if a mother did not have any previous heart conditions or health issues related to blood pressure. Pregnant women with preeclampsia are at an increased risk of stroke, preterm birth, stillbirth, or infant death after birth. Fortunately, a new blood test may be able to help doctors detect this condition earlier so they can provide better care for their patients.

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What Does Neonatal Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy Do to the Brain?

 Posted on June 26,2023 in Birth Injury

Chicago HIE Injury LawyersParents will want to make sure their children are safe and healthy at all times, but unfortunately, birth injuries can have a significant impact on a child's health and well-being. In some cases, these injuries may lead to permanent disabilities or health issues that may affect a child for the rest of their life. Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) is one of the most serious birth injuries that can occur, and it can lead to cerebral palsy or other serious conditions. Parents will need to understand how HIE can affect a child's brain, the treatments that may be used to address this condition, and the ways they can ensure that their child receives the proper care in the years to come.

Understanding Neonatal Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy

Neonatal HIE is a condition that can occur during childbirth if the child experiences a lack of oxygen to the brain. Complications during pregnancy or birth may affect a child's ability to receive sufficient oxygen, and these may include high blood pressure during pregnancy (preeclampsia), infections, or issues that affect the flow of blood and oxygen in the placenta or umbilical cord.

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What Are the Symptoms of Brachial Plexus Injuries for Newborns?

 Posted on June 19,2023 in Birth Injury

Illinois Brachial Plexus Injury Lawyers
Every parent wants their child to be healthy and happy, but a child's health and well-being may be affected by injuries that occur during childbirth. These may include brachial plexus injuries, which can affect the nerves in the neck and shoulders. Damage to these nerves during labor and delivery can result in conditions such as Erb's palsy, which may affect a child's ability to move their shoulder or upper arm. Parents will need to understand how to recognize the symptoms of brachial plexus injuries while also being aware of the steps they can take to ensure that a child receives the proper care and treatment.

Signs and Symptoms of Nerve Damage in the Neck and Shoulders

There are a variety of reasons why the nerves in a child's neck and shoulders may be damaged during birth. Shoulder dystocia, which occurs when pressure is placed on the child's arms or shoulders as they move through the birth canal, can result in multiple forms of nerve damage. Nerves may become stretched (neurapraxia), affecting their ability to send signals to and from different parts of the arm. In other cases, nerves may be torn or become separated from the spinal cord (avulsion), resulting in loss of sensation, mobility, or paralysis.

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New Mothers Are at Risk of Injury Within the First Year After Birth

 Posted on June 12,2023 in Maternal Injuries

Chicago Maternal Injury LawyersEven though the process of pregnancy and childbirth is experienced by women all over the world, it can still be risky for mothers. Various maternal injuries can occur during pregnancy, labor, delivery, and in the months following a child's birth. While medical professionals are often focused on addressing complications that occur during pregnancy and responding to issues that affect mothers during and immediately after delivery, recent research has found that many mothers continue to be affected by health concerns within the first year after a child is born. In fact, only around one-third of maternal deaths occur during pregnancy or delivery. One-third of deaths take place within six weeks after delivery, and another 30 percent of deaths occur between six weeks and one year. For every death that occurs, between 50 and 100 mothers suffer from serious complications that lead to long-term health issues.

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UPDATE: Can Birth Injuries Lead to Hearing Loss for Children?

 Posted on June 05,2023 in Birth Injury

Illinois Birth Injury Hearing Loss Lawyers
Originally published: September 11, 2020 -- Updated: June 5, 2023

Update: In addition to considering the potential causes of hearing loss for infants, parents will also need to understand the types of treatment that may be needed to address this issue and ensure that their child can grow and develop successfully while living a fulfilling life. The expenses related to hearing loss treatment can be significant, and parents may need to look at what forms of assistance may be available following a birth injury to ensure that they will be able to provide for their child’s needs.

For children with hearing loss, early intervention can be crucial. Ideally, a child can begin receiving services within the first six months after they are born. These services may evaluate the extent of their hearing loss and determine how to support the development of language and communication skills. By beginning treatment as early as possible, parents can provide their child and their family with the tools for ongoing success.

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Does Premature Birth Increase the Risk of Injuries During Delivery?

 Posted on May 25,2023 in Birth Injury

Chicago Infant Injury Lawyers for Premature Birth
There are certain risks associated with pregnancy, labor, and delivery, and complications can occur during childbirth that may lead to birth injuries. These risks can increase when a mother goes into labor before reaching her due date. Preterm labor can have a variety of effects on a child's health, and premature infants often require a high level of care and medical interventions to prevent serious harm. By understanding the risks associated with premature birth, parents can determine whether there were any preventable issues that could have led to injuries to their child, and they can take the correct actions to ensure that a child receives the necessary care going forward.

Complications That Can Affect Premature Babies

Babies who are born before the 37th week of pregnancy may have a higher risk of complications during delivery. Premature infants are typically smaller than those who are born at full term, and their organs and bodily systems may not have fully developed. This can make them more vulnerable to trauma during labor and delivery, and they may experience injuries such as bruises, broken bones, or nerve damage.

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How Is Cerebral Palsy Diagnosed for Infants and Children?

 Posted on May 18,2023 in Cerebral Palsy

Illinois Cerebral Palsy LawyersCertain types of developmental disorders may affect children, leading to issues with the control of their bodies, as well as neurological problems and other health concerns. Cerebral palsy (CP) is one such disorder, and it may be caused by birth injuries that led to damage to a child's brain. However, a cerebral palsy diagnosis may not be made immediately after an injury, and in some cases, parents and medical professionals may not fully understand how a child was affected until they are several years old. Early diagnosis of CP can be crucial since it can ensure that a child will be able to receive treatments to minimize the effects of a condition and help improve their physical and cognitive abilities. By understanding how CP may be diagnosed for infants and children, parents can be prepared to provide the care needed to help their child succeed.

Methods Used to Diagnose CP

Signs of cerebral palsy may be initially recognized by parents or by a pediatrician who performs a routine examination, and further tests may be performed to obtain a complete diagnosis, determine how a child has been affected, and create a treatment plan. Methods of diagnosing cerebral palsy include:

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Can a Long, Difficult Labor Lead to Injuries for a Child or Mother?

 Posted on May 11,2023 in Birth Injury

Chicago Birth Injury Lawyer for Prolonged LaborChildbirth can be challenging, and the process of labor and delivery can be long and difficult. Mothers may experience significant pain and exhaustion over multiple hours of labor. However, there are some situations where labor can last for an extended period, and complications may occur that may make it more difficult to deliver a child. Prolonged labor can increase the risks of birth injuries, and dangerous complications may put the health of the child and the mother at risk. In situations involving long and difficult labor, parents should be aware of the risk factors and the signs of potential birth injuries that may have occurred, which can help them ensure that the proper treatment can be provided for the mother and child.

What Is Prolonged Labor?

Labor will often last for several hours, with an average of 12 to 24 hours for a first birth and eight to 10 hours for a second or subsequent birth. However, there are some situations where labor may stall. The cervix may not fully dilate, or the baby may stop moving through the birth canal. In general, if labor lasts for more than 25 hours for a first-time mother or more than 20 hours for a mother who has previously had a child, it is considered prolonged labor.

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What Are the Signs That a Birth Injury May Have Led to Cerebral Palsy?

 Posted on May 02,2023 in Cerebral Palsy


As a new parent, there are few things more important than your child's health. You want to give your child the best possible start in life, and that includes detecting any medical or developmental issues early on. Unfortunately, birth injuries can have a significant impact on your child's growth and development, and brain injuries that occur during labor and delivery can be especially serious. In many cases, issues that cause damage to a child's brain may lead to cerebral palsy, a developmental disorder that can result in permanent physical and mental disabilities. By understanding the signs and symptoms of cerebral palsy, you can make sure your child will receive the proper treatment.

Delayed Motor Development

Some of the most common signs that a birth injury may have led to cerebral palsy involve developmental delays. If a child does not meet certain milestones at the expected times, this may be an indication that they have a developmental disorder. In some cases, cerebral palsy may primarily affect one side of the body, causing a child to favor arms or legs on one side and limiting their ability to crawl or walk properly. If your child is unable to sit up or does not start crawling or walking after reaching the appropriate age, you may want to consult a doctor to determine the causes of these delays and the options for meeting your child's needs.

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What Are the Most Common Causes of Post-Partum Hemorrhaging?

 Posted on April 27,2023 in Maternal Injuries

Cook County Maternal Birth Injury LawyersThe birth of a child is a beautiful and joyous occasion, but it is also one of the most physically demanding experiences that a woman can go through. After childbirth, it is common for women to experience some level of bleeding. However, when bleeding is excessive, this is known as post-partum hemorrhaging, and it can be a serious and potentially life-threatening issue. In fact, it is one of the leading causes of maternal mortality in the world. It is important for new parents to understand the potential causes of post-partum hemorrhage to ensure that this issue will be addressed correctly.

Reasons Why Post-Partum Hemorrhaging May Occur

During pregnancy, a woman's body produces excess blood, and some of this blood will be lost during the child's delivery. However, blood flow may not stop naturally, and excessive bleeding could result in the loss of too much blood. Some common reasons for significant blood loss following childbirth include:

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